“Orgasp”, short film, produced by ANOMIA and Balkans Beyond Borders, explores the boundaries of the body as well as the relationship between the human and the urban element under social distancing conditions. The film brings to the screen the mechanical sounds and the fragmentary images of a familiar place, the city where we have used to wander, but in an unfamiliar condition.
Through a period of extreme social deprivation, experienced during the pandemic, the body developed survival strategies through fragments of pleasure and mediated communication. While a falsified perception of reality remains as embodied memory to simulate the future, what new ways could we adopt to resist this altered reality?
produced by ANOMIA & Balkans Beyond Borders
written by ANOMIA
cinematography/editing Antigone Davaki
choreography/performing Evi Psaltou, Vassia Zorbali
music composition/sound design Panina Karydi
additional music composition/sound design Anna-Maria Rammou
sound mix Stelios Koupetoris